BC Food Security Network – http://www.fooddemocracy.org/
Links people all over the province involved in community-level action related to food; emphasizes the way in which food issues cross cultures, sectors, and age groups. Has an enormous amount of links, resources, network listings, and information on food security issues. A must see website.
Canadian Organic Growers - http://www.cog.ca
Leads local and national communities towards sustainable organic stewardship of land, food and fibre while respecting nature, upholding social justice and protecting natural resources.
Farm Folk City Folk - http://www.ffcf.bc.ca
Working to cultivate a local, sustainable food system. Their projects provide access to and protection of foodlands; they support local growers and producers; and engage communities in the celebration of local food. Especially check out Our Knowledge Pantryhttp://www.ffcf.bc.ca/resources/knowledge_pantry.html
100 Mile Diet – Local Eating for Global Change - http://100milediet.org
Beyond Factory Farming - http://www.beyondfactoryfarming.org/
This website has information on sustainable and humane animal husbandry practices.
Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia (COABC) – www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca
They serve as the voice of organic agriculture in BC and provide outreach services to organic growers.
Real Milk - http://www.realmilk.com/
Promoting sources of raw milk, etc.
Lillooet Regional Invasive Species Society - www.lriss.ca
The intent of LRISS is to reduce and minimize the negative environmental, social and economic impacts caused by the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive species in the Lillooet region.
Splitrock Environmental - splitrockenvironmental.ca
Splitrock Environmental is an organization owned by the Sek'w'el'was (Cayoose Indian Band) that specializes in ecological stewardship, environmental monitoring, native plant propagation, and ethnobotany. They operate a native plant nursery in Lillooet.
BC Food Security Gateway – www.bcfoodsecuritygateway.ca
Designed to be a “one stop” Web resource for food security practitioners and others in BC who want to make “healthy eating the easy choice” and build food-secure communities. Monthly news releases of valuable, up to date food security news.
Food Secure Canada - http://foodsecurecanada.org/
Working to unite people and organizations working for food security across Canada and globally.
SPIN-Farming - http://www.spinfarming.com/
SPIN-Farming is a non-technical, easy-to-learn and inexpensive-to-implement vegetable farming system that makes it possible to earn significant income from land bases under an acre in size. Also visit http://www.greencityacres.com/ to learn about a SPIN farm in Kelowna (has workshops).
The Richmond Fruit Tree Sharing Project - www.richmondfruittree.com
Connects volunteers with growing and harvesting fruit and vegetables – for their neighbours in need. A great example of what is possible.
La Via Campesina – www.viacampesina.org
Farmers in Resistance to defend their right to Peasant Seeds.
BCFarms.com - http://www.bcfarms.com/
A site developed to promote the B.C. Farming Industry. Featuring free listings for Farms, Bed & Breakfasts, Arts and Crafts, Businesses, Associations, Real Estate & some great Kids links.
Small Scale Food Processors Association – http://www.ssfpa.net/
Linking Growers and Small Entrepreneurs to each other, buyers and suppliers
Sharing Backyards - http://www.watershedsentinel.ca/content/sharing-backyard-gardens-directory-bc
Encourages urban gardening by connecting those who have the space to garden with those who would like to garden but don’t have the yard space, and shows communities how to develop their own Backyard Sharing program.