Think your property’s too small to produce much? Think again!

The Lillooet Food Matters folks recently enjoyed a fascinating tour of Sam Quinlan and Johannes Bordendorfer’s little slice of paradise. Located (literally!) on the banks of the Fraser here in Lillooet, this .6 acre property has more going on than many spreads three times its size. Sam and Johannes call the operation ‘Artemisia Farmstead’ (fun fact – did you know that Artemisia is part of the Latin name for sage brush?).

The property perches on a steep bank down to the river. To address any potential erosion issues and provide stability, Sam and Johannes are planting the bank in native species such as red twig dogwood and willow. This is an ongoing project, but so far seems to be doing the trick.

And while many of us might be content with growing, say, zucchini and tomatoes, these guys are always on the lookout for something a little more unique. Sam proudly showed us his impressive tobacco plants which he hopes to harvest and ferment as ceremonial tobacco.

That’s not to say they aren’t growing some garden regulars. Raised and traditional beds abound with zucchini, corn, tomatoes and an assortment of peppers and herbs.  What they don’t eat or sell, they feed to their large flock of chickens.

Speaking of chickens, this a spectacular flock! – heritage breeds offer gorgeous colours and a variety of sizes. You only have to hear Johannes speak about ‘the girls’ to know they are a particular passion for him. These birds enjoy an enviable living space within a large fenced ‘food forest’ of fruit and other trees. Sam and Johannes have set up some ingenious automated feed and watering systems, allowing for a somewhat less hands-on operation. All hens and just one diminutive rooster, this flock provides eggs aplenty.

The food forest. Lucky chickens!

If the chickens appear to hold a special place in Johannes’ heart, the apple of Sam’s eye is clearly his butter making. Looking to the niche of artisan butter, Sam gets cream from Blackwell Dairy in Kamloops, churns it into rich, creamy butter and makes it available for sale at the Farmers’ Market. To further this project, they have converted part of their basement to a dairy processing room and invested in a European butter churning machine. Thinking ‘but what about all the leftover buttermilk?’ – not a problem – apparently there are usually takers, but if not, it turns out that chickens love it.

So, ya – LOTS going on at Artemisia Farmstead. It was inspiring to see how well-utilized the space is and what a diverse range of food Sam and Johannes are able to produce from this modest spot. And I doubt they’re through yet – I bet if we were to visit again next season, we’d find a whole host of new and unique additions to this amazing little operation!

It was a treat to visit Artemisia Farmstead – our thanks go to Johannes and Sam for their gracious hosting. Don’t forget to visit them at the Lillooet Farmers’ Market and check out what they’re producing!


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